имя |
Sarsaparilla Root Extract |
соотношение |
10:1 20:1 |
цвет |
бурый дымный порох |
Rescources |
корень |
The sarsaparilla plant, or Smilax regelii, is mostly a vine and is found primarily in Central America and South America. The most valued portion of the plant is its root, which has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries, much like ginseng or licorice root. The plant's root is very bitter, so it was a common practice for pharmacists to distill the useful chemicals and mix them with sugar water. Thus a popular beverage was born, years before other chemists would invent other medicinal drinks such as the
original formulations of some well-known soft drinks.
Функция продукта 1.Sarsaparilla root extract has been used as a blood purifier and general tonic.
2.It also has been used worldwide for gout, syphilis, гонорея, ревматизм, раны, артрит, лихорадка, кашель, scrofula, гипертония, digestive disorders, псориаз, кожные заболевания, и рак.
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