12.Природный пигмент

» 12.Природный пигмент

IMAHERB Factory Натуральный экстракт хлорофитума боривилианум

Категорий и TAGS:
12.Природный пигмент
  • описание продукта
 Natural chlorophytum borivilianum extract
 MusaliAsparagus adscendens is a plant mentioned in Ayurveda for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, lack of libido and to improve the body stamina.
латинское названиеAsparagus adscendens Roxb.


соотношение экстракт:10:1 20:1

цвет:Браун желтый порошок

класс: питание & Медицинский класс
Добыча Тип: Экстракция

описание продукта
 Chlorophytum borivilianum Santapau & Fernandes (Liliaceae) also known as ‘Safed Musliis a traditional rare Indian medicinal herb which has many therapeutic applications in Ayurvedic, Unani, Homeopathic and Allopathic system of medicine. Its roots (tubers) are widely used for various therapeutic applications. It is used to cure physical illness and weakness, as an aphrodisiac agent and revitalizer, as general sex tonic, remedy for diabetes, arthritis and increasing body immunity, curative for natal and postnatal problems, for rheumatism and joint pains, increase lactation in feeding mothers, as antimicrobial, противовоспалительное, antitumor agent, also used in diarrhea, дизентерия, гонорея, leucorrhea etc.
Функция Здоровье

  • Therapeutic application
  • Аюрведа
  • Unani
  • Allopathy
  • Curative for Physical weakness and many illnesses
  • Curative for Natal
  • Post-natal problems
  • Aphrodisiac Agent
  • Vitalizer
  • Remedy for Diabetes
  • As a Remedy for Arthritis
  • Effective alternative to Viagra
  • General Sex tonic
  • Immunity-improving drug
 Капсулы, tablets and powder


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