Sodium cyclamate food additive is a new non-nutrition sweetener with delicious flavor ,which covers bitter taste. The sweet taste slowly but keeps for long time. It is no harm for human being and safe than sugar saccharin. It is kind of healthy food additives with sugar-free and low calorie. It is 30~50 times sweeter than sucrose without the effect of souring and fermentation like sucrose.
Function of Sodium Cyclamate
1. Sodium Cyclamate is a non-nutritive sweetener synthesis, который 30 times the sweetness of sucrose, while only a third of the price of sugar, but it is not the amount of saccharin as a little more when there is a bitter taste, so as an international common food additive can be used for soft drinks, fruit juices, мороженое, cakes and preserves food, и т.п..
2. Sodium Cyclamate can be used for household seasoning, Готовка, pickle products, и т.д.
3. Sodium Cyclamate can be used in cosmetics sweet, сироп, sugar-coated, sweet ingots, зубная паста, полоскание для рта, lipstick and so on.
4. Sodium Cyclamate can be used for patients with diabetes, who used it in place of sugar in obese.
Application of Sodium Cyclamate
1. Being used in coffee, fruit juices, flavored water, cars, almond tea, black tea, soybean milk, консервы, джемы, студни, соленья, catchup and feed.
2. Being used in seasoning and cooking.
3. Being used in cosmetics, сироп, icing, зубная паста, полоскание для рта, lipstick and so on.
4. Being used as the substitute of sugar for diabetics and fat persons.
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