2. Экстракт грибов

» 2. Экстракт грибов

Экстракт грибов майтаке от рака , Экстракт Grifola Frondosa

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2. Экстракт грибов
  • описание продукта
Наименование товара Экстракт Grifola frondosa; Экстракт грибов майтаке
содержание полисахарида 10% 30% 40% 50% 60%
Тяжелый металл Pb
Санитарный стандарт Общее количество пластины
дрожжи & Плесень
E-Coli, клещи, Сальмонелла отрицательный/г.
Убыток от высыхания ≤9%
Вид упаковки Упаковка спец.: 5кг/мешок или 25 кг/мешок.

Внутренний материал:Двухслойный пластиковый пакет или пакет из алюминиевой фольги.

Внешний материал: Картонный барабан или коробка.

Состояние резерва воздухонепроницаемый , 25°С,относительная влажность внутри 50%
Статус ГМО Эти продукты не содержат ГМО.
аллерген Эти продукты не содержат аллергенов.
облучение Эти продукты не подвергались облучению.
присадка Эти продукты без использования искусственных консервантов,вкусы или цвета.

Полисахариды:10%,20%,30%,50%,60% УФЭкстракт Maitake грибов


Экстракт Maitake грибов

Maitake Mushroom Extract maitake

Maitake is classed as a polypore, a mushroom without the common feature of a singular cap and gills. Вместо, it has multiple branching stems with flowery-ruffed caps. The underside of these caps is covered with a thin layer of densely packed pores. common name is lotus flower, because of the shape is like dance skirt, so Japanese name it as dance mushroom.


Maitake is a precious fungus as food and medicine. Recently it is popular in American and Japanese market as a kind of excellent health caring food, and its unique nutrition and medical value attracts ever wider attention. Maitake polysaccharide has anticancer and anti-HIV function and can adjust immune and incretion and nutrition metabolizing. Maitake mushroom is also good in curing hepatitis.


Maitake mushrooms are a flavorful and nutritious food group and the good sources of B-Vitamins: Тиамин, Riboflavin and Niacin. They contain all the essential amino acids. These are perfect powdered materials for formulating immune system boosting dietary supplements and natural cosmetics.



Maitake is rich in minerals (такие, как калий, кальций, и магний), различные витамины (B2, D2 и ниацин), волокна и аминокислоты. One active constituent in Maitake for enhancing the immune activity was identified in the late 1980s as a protein-bound beta-glucan compound.


Function of Maitake Mushroom Extract maitake

1.As a traditional Chinese medicine, Maitake, and Polyporus equivalent, can be cured dysuria, отек, авитаминоз, cirrhosis and diabetes, is a very valuable medicinal fungi.


2. High levels of vitamin E and selenium coordination to enable anti-aging, enhance memory and sensitivity. At the same time it is an excellent immunomodulator.


3.Maitake has to withstand a higher selenium content of the role of cancer.


4.It also inhibited the effect of hypertension and obesity.


5.Maitake enhance immune system, help prevent colds and flu and resistance from discomfort due to the antibacterial, anti-toxic liver and kidney function to maintain and help cure diseases, help the body cope with environmental stresses rational tone, immune regulation and killing cancer cells to enhance the efficacy of conventional.

Application of Maitake Mushroom Extract

1. Maitake Mushroom Extract can reduce human serum cholesterol, lower blood pressure and prevent hepatitis, язва желудка.

2. Maitake Mushroom Extract is good for Cancer prevention, regulations of menopausal syndrome, improving metabolism, strengthening body power.

3. Maitake Mushroom Extract can be used as major ingredients for all kinds of health care products, flavor food (напитки, мороженое,и т.п.), функциональные продукты питания.





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4%   тритерпеноидных
Экстракт Tremella fuciformis 30% полисахариды
Экстракт белого грибка




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