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» 12.Природный пигмент

Самая конкурентная цена на ферментные препараты Bifidobacterium Infantis

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Product Most Competitive Price for Enzyme Preparations Bifidobacterium Infantis
Самая конкурентная цена на ферментные препараты Bifidobacterium Infantis
Specifications Most Competitive Price for Enzyme Preparations Bifidobacterium Infantis
 Наименование товара Бифидобактерия инфантис
 Спецификация  100 млрд КОЕ / г
 цвет  White or light yellow
 форма  порошок
 пакет  Алюминиевый мешок или другие
 Основная функция  immunity enhancement
 Срок годности  2 лет


Product Description Most Competitive Price for Enzyme Preparations Bifidobacterium Infantis
Бифидобактерия инфантис, представляет собой штамм бактерий обычно используется в качестве пробиотика. Пробиотики живые микроорганизмы, которые имитируют полезные бактерии, обнаруживаемые в желудочно-кишечном тракте человека. В. бифидум является одним из многих бактериальных штаммов, которые встречаются в природе в кишечной флоре, живущих в толстой кишке. Включение B. бифидум в диетическом режиме обеспечивает хост с различными выгодами.
Health Function Most Competitive Price for Enzyme Preparations Bifidobacterium Infantis
Bifidobacterium is an important gut beneficial microorganism.Bifidobacterium as a kind of physiologic beneficial bacteria, to human body health have biological barriers, nutrition effect, antitumor effect and enhancing the immune function, improve the gastrointestinal function, anti-aging and so on the many kinds of important physiological functions.
Bifidobacterium and lactobacillus and other beneficial bacteria can inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, resistance to pathogen infection, synthesis of the human body needs vitamin, promote human body to absorb minerals, produce acetic acid, propionic acid, butyric acid and lactic acid and other organic acids stimulate intestinal peristalsis, promoting defecation, prevent constipation and inhibit intestinal putrefaction and cleanse the intestinal tract, Окружающая среда, decompose carcinogenic substances, stimulate the body’s immune system, plays an important role to improve disease resistance, и т.д.
Treatment of chronic diarrhea with antibiotic associated diarrhea.
Bifidobacterium has the function of regulating intestinal flora.In addition, bifidobacterium can also treat antibiotic related diarrhea caused by overuse of antibiotics.Bifidobacterium has good therapeutic effect on children acute and chronic diarrhea.
Relieve constipation
Bifidobacterium can adjust the intestinal flora, and produce the short chain fatty acids such as acetic acid, lactic acid to inhibit the growth of intestinal corruption and the formation of toxic metabolites, stimulate peristalsis, thus reducing the excessive absorption of moisture and relieve constipation symptoms.
To inhibit the occurrence and development of cancer.
Bifidobacterium cells can absorb the carcinogenic and mutagenic substances in food, thus protecting the cells from these carcinogens.Bifidobacterium can inhibit the growth of many spoilage bacteria in the intestinal tract by adjusting the normal intestinal flora, thereby reducing the production of some intestinal carcinogens.
Protective liver function
Bifidobacterium agents can inhibit the number of harmful bacteria that produce endotoxin and thus play a good therapeutic role in liver patients.
To promote the digestion of lactose.
Milk is rich in nutrients.But quite a few people are lactose intolerant.Lactose intolerance was effectively alleviated by using lactic acid bacteria such as lactobacillus bulgari, streptococcus thermophilus and bifidobacterium to produce fermented sour milk.
The nutrition of bifidobacterium.
Bifidobacteria can produce lactic acid and acetic acid after fermentation in human intestine, which can improve the utilization rate of mineral elements such as calcium and iron, and promote absorption of iron and vitamin D.


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