3. косметические ингредиенты

» 3. косметические ингредиенты

Лучшая продажа, сделанная в Китае, порошок sepiwhite по конкурентоспособной цене

Категорий и TAGS:
3. косметические ингредиенты
  • описание продукта
Наименование товара 100% Pure Alpha Arbutin
Другое имя арбутин порошок
CAS Нет. 84380-01-8
Внешний вид Белый кристаллический порошок
анализ 99%
Молекулярная формула C12H16O7
Молекулярная масса 272.25

Что  Горячая продажа Китай питания кокоил изетионат натрия ЛУЧШАЯ ЦЕНА?

Альфа-арбутин is the active substance originated from natural plant which can whiten and lighten skin. Alpha Arbutin Powder can infiltrate into the skin quickly without affecting the concentration of cell multiplication and effectively prevent activity of tyrosinase in the skin and the forming of melanin. By combined arbutin with tyrosinase, decomposition and drainage of melanin are accelerated, splash and fleck can be got ride of and no side effects are caused.Arbutin Powder is one of the safest and most efficient whitening materials that are popular at present. Alpha Arbutin is also the most competitive whitening activity in the 21st century.Функция продукта

1. Alpha arbutin powder is applied in cosmetic field.

(1) Alpha arbutin powder can protect the skin against damage caused by free radicals.(2) Alpha arbutin powder is a skin whitening agent which is very popular in Japan and Asian countries for skin de-pigmentation.
(3) Alpha arbutin powder inhibits the formation of melanin pigment by inhibiting Tyrosinase activity.
(4) Alpha arbutin powder is very safe skin agent for external use which does not have toxicity, стимуляция, unpleasant odor or side effect such as Hydroqinone.
(5) Alpha arbutin powder mainly gives three main properties; Отбеливание эффекты, анти- возрастной эффект и UVB / UVC фильтр .

2. Alpha arbutin powder is applied in medical field.

(1) Alpha arbutin powder was first used in medical areas as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent.
(2) Alpha arbutin powderwas used particularly for cystitis, уретрит и пиелит.
(3) Alpha arbutin powder may be used to repress the virulence of bacterial pathogens and to prevent contaminating bacteria.
(4) Alpha arbutin powder is used for treating allergic inflammation of the skin .
(5) Alpha arbutin powder has been used to prevent pigmentation and to whiten the skin beautifully.
(6) Alpha arbutin powder can be used to whiten the skin, чтобы предотвратить пятно печени и веснушки, лечить солнечные ожоги знаков и регулировать меланин.
Применение продукта1. Применяют в фармацевтической области, angelica extract mainly used as raw material for clearing heat, противовоспалительный, detumescence and increasing coronary flow.
2. Применяется в пищевых добавок, it owns the effect of antifatigue, anti-aging and nourishing brain.

3. Применяется в области косметики, it owns the effect of whitening, против старения, против морщин,Антиоксидант,making skin.IMAHERB БИОТЕХ—КОСМЕТИЧЕСКИЕ ИНГРЕДИЕНТЫIMAHERB БИОТЕХ—ВИТАМИНIMAHERB БИОТЕХ—НОВЫЕ ПРОДУКТЫКонтакты

ДОБАВИТЬ: No.12 Hanyao Дорога, Qujiang район, Xi'an,Китай
TEL: +86-29-89121514
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Web: www.imaherb.com
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