12.Природный пигмент

» 12.Природный пигмент

Natural high quality goji berry powder for sale

Категорий и TAGS:
12.Природный пигмент
  • описание продукта
Наименование товара Goji berry Powder
анализ Polysaccharide ect.
Размер частицы 80 мм сито
Метод испытания ультрафиолетовый
Внешний вид Желто-коричневый порошок
влажность ≤8%
ясень ≤5%
Тяжелые металлы ≤10м.д.
Всего бактерий ≤10000КОЕ / г
Срок годности 2 лет при правильном хранении

organic goji berries powder is a major Chinese tonic herb, is rich in polysaccharide, белок, vitamins and other nutrients. Goji fruit is an herb derived from wolfberry chinense and wolfberry barbarum, common plants of eastern Asia.
Wolfberry powder is come from wolfberry fruit and it is pure natural product.Chinese wolfberry polysaccharide is extracted from lycium a water-soluble polysaccharide. Have clear the polysaccharide protein, полисахарид, composed of arabinose, глюкоза, галактоза, маннозы, xylose and rhamnose six monosaccharide components.
Product Benefits1.Goji Berry Powder inhibits tumor growth and improves disease resistance.
2.organic goji berries powder is powerful anti-oxidant which extends life and improves the memory.

3.organic goji berries powder neutralize the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation.

4.It help normalize blood pressure and balance blood sugar.

5.It stimulates secretion of HGH (human growth hormone), feel and look younger.

6.It lowers cholesterol, helps with weight.

7.It enhances sexual functions and improves fertility.

8.It supports liver, глаза, kidneys and strengthens muscles and bones.

9.It relieves insomnia, headaches and alleviates anxiety and stress.

10.It is known to promote cheerfulness and brightens the spirit.
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ДОБАВИТЬ: No.12 Hanyao Дорога, Qujiang район, Xi'an,Китай
TEL: +86-29-89121514
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Web: www.imaherb.com
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