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Pure anthocyanins from black carrot extract For Nutritional Supplements

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-Product Description-Pure anthocyanins from black carrot extract For Nutritional Supplements


Наименование товара: Black Carrot Extract 

латинское название:     Daucus carota Linn.

Внешний вид:   Dark Purple POwder

Спецификация:  8% антоциан

Метод испытания:  ВЭЖХ УФ

Деталь поставки:Немедленно 

-Introduction-Pure anthocyanins from black carrot extract For Nutritional Supplements



Carrots don’t only come in orange, but in a range of colors, including black. Black carrot extract benefits your health in a number of ways, thanks to the nutrients in the vegetable. Consult your health care provider about using black carrot extract or eating black carrots to treat a medical problem.

Black carrot extract is derived from carrots with purple or black flesh. The World Carrot Museum theorizes that these types of carrots are Middle Eastern in origin, and may have first appeared in Turkey or Syria. While you can find black carrots in the United Statesmost often at farmer’s markets or shops that sell specialty producethey are more common in Egypt, Pakistan, Индия, Afghanistan and Turkey.


-Application-Pure anthocyanins from black carrot extract For Nutritional Supplements

1.Medical Purpose
Black Carrot extract is recognized to have functions of anti-oxidation, Противоопухолевое, сопротивление бренность, и т.п., например, carrot extract can improve immunity of AIDS patients.
2.Пищевая добавка
Besides caducity resistance and immunity improvement, Black carrot extract is also an important pigment and confirmed as nutritious food additive. Carrot extract can be used as intensifying agent for lipid foods such as margarine salad oil and benne oil to help carrot extract absorption by human body.
Black Carrot extract’s extractives contain abundant amino acid, витамин, естественно влажный фактор, микроэлемент и другие биологически активные вещества, и косметика, added with carrot extract present natural and full color and luster and protect skin.
4.Forage Additive
Black Carrot extract can improve growth rate and flesh quality of animals, воспроизводимость крупного рогатого скота, лошади и свиньи, цвет и блеск красной рыбы и креветок.



-Function-Pure anthocyanins from black carrot extract For Nutritional Supplements



1. Black Carrot extract is an antioxidant and therefore may offer some protection against certain cancers and other diseases.
2. Black Carrot extract is a naturally occurring substance present in green and yellow fruits and vegetables.
3.В организме, Black Carrot extract is converted into vitamin A and Carrot extract is used as a vitamin supplement to prevent or treat vitamin A deficiency.
4. Black Carrot extract can help prevent or treat reactions to the sun in some specific groups of patients.

Pure anthocyanins from black carrot extract For Nutritional Supplements


Pure anthocyanins from black carrot extract For Nutritional Supplements


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Pure anthocyanins from black carrot extract For Nutritional Supplements


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