7. Ботанический Extract

» 7. Ботанический Extract

Pure Natural Black Cohosh Extract Powder 2.5% Triterpenoid saponins

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7. Ботанический Extract
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Продукт- Pure Natural Black Cohosh Extract Powder 2.5% Triterpenoid saponins
 black cohosh p.e.
Характеристики- Pure Natural Black Cohosh Extract Powder 2.5% Triterpenoid saponins

Наименование товара:  black cohosh p.e.

сертификат: Халяль,KOSHER,ISO,НАССР

Внешний вид: Желтый порошок коричневого цвета

Размер частицы: 100% пройти 80mesh

Используемое: корень

Активный ингридиент: тритерпеновые

Спецификация: тритерпеновые 2.5%, 5%, 8%  

описание продукта- Pure Natural Black Cohosh Extract Powder 2.5% Triterpenoid saponins

Клопогон кистевидный p.e.is a perennial wildflower native to eastern North America. Более двух веков назад, Коренные американцы обнаружили, что корень цимицифуги завода (Cimicifuga гасетоза) helped relieve menstrual cramps, and symptoms of menopause including hot flashes, раздражительность, перепады настроения, и нарушение сна.

The roots of black cohosh are still used for these purposes. по факту, black cohosh has been widely used for more than 40 years in Europe and is approved in Germany for premenstrual discomfort, болезненные менструации, и климактерические симптомы.

Cегодня, black cohosh is used primarily as a nutritional supplement for hot flashes, перепады настроения, night sweats, vaginal dryness and other symptoms that can occur during menopause, as well as for menstrual cramps and bloating.

Health Function Pure Natural Black Cohosh Extract Powder 2.5% Triterpenoid saponins

Black cohosh p.e. can be used to antibacteria and anticancer.

Вlack cohosh p.e. has the function of anti-rheumatism, облегчение боли в мышцах и спазмы. Decreasing the cholesterol and blood pressure is an important function.

Вlack cohosh p.e. has effect on delaying aging, особенно старение кожи и внутреннего органа.

Вlack cohosh p.e.owning estrogenic effect, thus improving symptoms of female climacteric syndrome and postpartum syndrome.

Applications Pure Natural Black Cohosh Extract Powder 2.5% Triterpenoid saponins

1. Applied in food field.it is widely used as functional food additive.

2 Применяется в области продуктов здравоохранения, it is widely added into various kinds of health products with the function of preventing rheumatism, adjusting estrogen level and so on.

3. Применяется в области косметики, it is widely added into various kinds of cosmetics with the function of delaying aging.

4. Применяют в фармацевтической области,it is widely added into the medicine which can used in treating arthritis and postpartum syndrome.


Pure Natural Black Cohosh Extract Powder 2.5% Triterpenoid saponins



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 Pure Natural Black Cohosh Extract Powder 2.5% Triterpenoid saponins


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