7. Ботанический Extract

» 7. Ботанический Extract

Чистая натуральная фабрика поставляет порошок шелковицы по дешевой цене

Категорий и TAGS:
7. Ботанический Extract
  • описание продукта
Pruduct name Порошок шелковицы
Apperance Light Rose Red Powder
образец имеется в наличии
сертификация ISO
STOARGE Прохладное и сухое место
Срок годности 2 лет

Бромелайн Фермент Mulberries?

Mulberries are the sweet, hanging fruit from a genus of deciduous trees that grow in a variety of temperate areas around the world. Thought to possibly have originated in China, they have since spread throughout the world and are highly praised for their unique flavor, as well as a truly impressive and unusual composition of nutrients for a berry. по факту, most varieties found in different parts of the world are considered to benativefrom those areas, as they are so widespread. The scientific name of mulberries varies depending on which species you are looking at, but the most common types are Morus australis and Morus nigra, but there are dozens of other delicious varieties as well. In terms of appearance, the berries grow very fast when they are young, but gradually slow as their color changes from white or green through to pink or red, and eventually settling on dark purple or even black.Функция продукта1. Prevent macular degeneration and cataracts.
2. Rich in antioxidant properties.

3. Aid in preventing cancer.

4. Boost immune system.

5. Improve digestive health.

6. Boost heart health and metabolism.

7. Reduce apperances of blemishes and age spots.
Применение продукта(1) As the raw material of drugs for symptoms caused by high blood sugar, high blood lipid and red eyes,припухлость,pain and cough caused by influenza, Mulberry Fruit Extract is widely used in the field of medicine and health products;
(2) As added ingredients of beauty products to enhance color and increase the gloss of skin, Mulberry Fruit Extract is widely used in cosmetic industry.
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