12.Природный пигмент

» 12.Природный пигмент

Чистые натуральные заводские поставки предотвращают алкоголизм ЛУЧШАЯ ЦЕНА

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12.Природный пигмент
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-Product Description-Pure Natural Factory supply prevent alcoholism BEST PRICE


Наименование товара:   Экстракт Кудзу Root

латинское название:   Puerarialobata(Wild.) Ohwi

Внешний вид: Brown желтый порошок

Спецификация:  19% 30% 40% 98%

Метод испытания:  ВЭЖХ

Деталь поставки:Немедленно 

-Introduction-Pure Natural Factory supply prevent alcoholism BEST PRICE


Pueraria has been known for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine as ge-gen.

The first written mention of the plant as a medicine is in the ancient herbal text of Shen Nong(about A.D.100). В традиционной китайской медицине, pueraria is used in prescriptions for the treatment of thirst, Головная боль, and stiff neck with pain due to high blood pressure. Puerarin is also recommended for allergies, migraine headaches, inadequate measles eruptions in children, и понос. Puerarin is also used in modern Chinese medicine as a treatment for angina pectoris.


-Application-Pure Natural Factory supply prevent alcoholism BEST PRICE

-As the crud drug for cardiovascular drugs, it is widely used in biopharmaceuticals.
-With a unique effect for lipid-lowering, it is widely used to be added into foods and health products.
When used as a cosmetic ingredient, it was used in the eye frost, care-skin frost.


-Function-Pure Natural Factory supply prevent alcoholism BEST PRICE



-Pueraria Mirifica Powder used to enhance immunity and inhibit cancer cell.
-Pueraria Mirifica Powder has the usage of taking protective effects to the nephritis, nephropathy and renal failure.
-Pueraria Mirifica Powder with he function of trengthening myocardial contraction force and protecting myocardial cell.
-Pueraria Mirifica Powder own the effective of protecting the deformability of erythrocyte, increasing the function of hematopoietic system.

Чистые натуральные заводские поставки предотвращают алкоголизм ЛУЧШАЯ ЦЕНА


Чистые натуральные заводские поставки предотвращают алкоголизм ЛУЧШАЯ ЦЕНА


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