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Product Description of Pure Natural Factory supply spirulina price of spirulina for sale



Наименование товара: Natural Factory supply spirulina price of spirulina for sale

функция:Immune & Anti-Fatigue

Тип: Спирулина

цвет: Blue green fine powder

Растворимость: Solvable in water

Application fields: фармацевтические препараты, cosmatics and food supplements

Активный компонент:  60% белок




Introduction of Pure Natural Factory supply spirulina price of spirulina for sale



Spirulina powder is a microscopic blue-green algae in the shape of a perfect spiral coil living both in sea and fresh water.


Spirulina powder contains an unusually high amount of protein, между 55% а также 77% by dry weight. It is a complete protein, containing all essential amino acids . Spirulina is rich in Essential fatty acids, variety of Vitamins, and also a good source of Minerals. Кроме, Spirulina contains many pigments.



Application of Pure Natural Factory supply spirulina price of spirulina for sale




(1). Применяют в области пищевых продуктов, spirulina price of spirulina for sale содержит много аминокислот, витамины, минералы и другие питательные вещества, которые могут помочь организму в лучшем уходе за здоровьем;

(2). Применяют в фармацевтической области, существуют различные формы, такие как таблетки, капсулы и порошки, они могут предотвратить различные заболевания;

(3). Применяют в косметической области, spirulina price of spirulina for sale способен питать и лечить кожу.


Function of Pure Natural Factory supply spirulina price of spirulina for sale


 1. Spirulina price of spirulina for sale can cleanse and detox our bodies from causes of stress.
2. Promote a healthy immune system and antioxidant activity.
3. Restores natural body weight by satisfying the body’s need for complete and genuine nutrition.
4. Spirulina price of spirulina help to delay senility for the elderly.
5. Spirulina price of spirulina reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases by reducing inflammation within the body.
6. The rich source of zeaxanthin in Spirulina is especially good for the eyes.
7. Aids in detoxification and natural cleansing of the body.
8. Spirulina price of spirulina promotes healthy levels of cholesterol resulting in improved cardiovascular function.









spirulina price of spirulina for sale



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Наша компания & Services of Pure Natural Factory supply spirulina price of spirulina for sale



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