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Suppliers Manufacturer Isomaltitol Sweetener Price Sugar Isomalt Powder

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Product Isomaltitol Sweetener Price Sugar Isomalt Powder
 Suppliers Manufacturer Isomaltitol Sweetener Price Sugar Isomalt Powder
Specifications Isomaltitol Sweetener Price Sugar Isomalt Powder

Наименование товара Isomalt Powder Спецификация 99.6% 
Активные ингредиенты Isomalt Внешний вид белый
класс Пищевой заявка подсластитель
Product Description Isomaltitol Sweetener Price Sugar Isomalt Powder
 ISOMALT (Изомальтит) is also called Palatinitol and is generally called Isomalt by the market. It is a functional sugar alcohol which has been newly launched worldwide to replace sucrose, starch sugars, and other sugar alcohols. Isomalt Properties: белый, милая, in granule or powder, no impurities, без слеживания.
Health Function andApplications Isomaltitol Sweetener Price Sugar Isomalt Powder

1. low hygroscopicity

2. high stability and tolerance,

3. низкокалорийный,

4. pure sweet taste,

5. no undesired aftertaste,

6. сладость:50%~60% сахарозы,

7. Isomaltcan cover up unpleasant aftertaste and flavor весhileused in combination with intense sweeteners,.

8. Isomalt can also prevent caries becauseit can not be used by oral bacteria.

9. After intake of Isomalt, the levels of blood sugar and insulin wont increase greatly, thus very applicable to diabetics. более того, it can alsostimulate the growth and activity of bifidobacteria, which helps in preventing constipation and colon cancer.

10. Isomalt has proven safety. All the researches indicated that intake of Isomalt wouldnt cause an adverse effect to the tested animals and human beings. United States has affirmed it as GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) and sets no limit on its daily intake.



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