• Product Description

Snails are one of the oldest species known and have survived extreme environmental conditions for more than 600 million years. This fact indicated that there was something special about the snail constitution that allowed their species to endure for so long.

Snail meat has a high protein content and is low in fat (only 2%). Snail meat has over 20 different types of body essential amino acids. It also contains calcium, phosphorus, alkaloid, as well as selenium, boron, zinc, and other micro-elements. Because of its nutritional value, nutritionists recommend snail meat for astronauts and athletes.

Snail oil or snail slime–or more technically known as snail mucin, snail serum or snail filtrate–is one of ingredients in skincare products. 
Worldwide, snail secretion has been touted as an anti-aging holy grail, helping everything from younger, firmer skin to acne.

The physical and chemical analysis carried out on the extract powder proved that its contents appear in natural form, and includes the following elements:

  • Proteins and Vitamins – Enriches and softens your skin
  • Natural Collagen and Elastin – These are the main components of the human skin connective tissue.
  • Natural Glycolic Acid – Allows skin to exfoliate, therefore eliminating dead cells that are on the surface of your skin, along with wrinkles and expression lines. Since the Glycolic Acid found on the Snail Extract is not synthetic, it does not irritate your skin.
  • Natural Alantoin – Alantoin is what makes the regeneration of your skin possible. It helps in reducing the appearance of scars and stretch marks, and it helps in healing wounds faster; leaving almost no marks.

Some of the many applications for cosmetic use are listed but not limited to the following:

  • Hand and face creams and gels
  • Body lotions, creams and gels
  • Eye and lip serums
  • After-sun moisturizers and sun tan lotions

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